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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Times are Changing

Proverbs 19:21 There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the LORD'S counsel-that will stand.

Greetings from a very hot and humid Thailand, eight years have passed of calling Thailand home, I have never seem to get use to this heat. The months of March and April are usually the hottest, but this year May is bringing the heat. For the past week the temperatures have been in the mid 40’s, not Fahrenheit, but 45 degrees Celsius. That converts to 113 degrees Fahrenheit, with 90 percent humidity. When it is this hot, even air conditioning doesn’t help much. The best thing to do is to remain as still as possible, while the air con and fan are running at the highest speed. But when you have three little ones, who don’t like to stay still long, the next best thing to do is to go swimming. We have been to the swimming pool a lot lately, and at night time, we turn our bathroom into an indoor pool. Mam is doing great for being 5 months pregnant, and we are thankful for ice. The rains should be coming soon, and also some cooler weather. Until then we are pressing on and trying to remain cool (of course I have always been cool). The only time I can work on the computer is at night, and even then I have the fan blowing on me constantly. I have wanted to update you for a while now, and so tonight I am going to do my best to get this posted before the heat comes back tomorrow. There is a lot to share with you, and I know there is no way to cover it all tonight, so I have decided to write a trilogy. First we will look at the past three months, next week I will bring you part two dealing with what we are currently doing, and the third week I will share with you our family’s future plans. So please check in each week to see the trilogy of the Rutledge family’s life on the EDGE.


Since I last updated this blog, there has been a lot of change in the lives of the Rutledge family. Often times we are leery of change because we are not comfortable with the unknown. But as the Bible teaches, change is inevitable and is something not to fear as we trust in God’s provision and directions for our lives. Currently the changes taking place in our lives and our ministry here in Thailand are stretching us as a famil

y but also are drawing us closer to God and to each other. As I share with you some of the changes that are taking place, I ask you to please continue to pray for our family and that as we journey through these times together, God will use our family to show His glory to everyone we meet.


Two years ago, Mam and I gave our two year notice to Akha Outreach Foundation. We believed that after seven years of ministry, it was time to move on and open the door for others to rise up and serve the children at the home. Time flies by when you are having fun, and before we knew it those two years had passed and on March 31st 2010 we officially stepped down from our roles of leadership at the ministry and turned the work over to some very capable men and women who we know will do a great job at shepherding the hearts of the children towards Christ. It has been hard to let go, and we already miss the children and ministry so much, but we knew it was time to move on, and trust God will continue to work through the seeds we planted in the lives of the children. For the past seven years Akha Outreach Foundation had become our family. Mam and I were married there, we welcomed the birth of our three daughters there, and we grew to love all the lives at the foundation as our own family. It will be different now, but sometimes different is good. We will continue to help out at the ministry from time to time, and our hearts and our prayers will always be there, but now it is time for a new adventure and we trust God will lead us as we move on.


Originally, we had planned to return to Mams village and spend the months of April, May, and June with her family before our big move to the States in June 2010. Funny though how things change, and we quickly came to realize that our plans needed to be rearranged, and our time line for moving back to the States had to be pushed back. In December, Mam and I both felt like three children were enough, and after Christmas and New Years past, I would do the manly thing and go get snipped (ouch). But the passing of the New Year brought news of a new pregnancy and to joy of looking forward to welcoming our fourth child in September. With the pregnancy, the hassle of traveling with three children, and the cost of medical care in the States, we decided to remain in Thailand until after the birth of our fourth child.

The plans to move back to Mam’s village changed as well, as one evening Mam’s brother, who had been sentenced to 6 years in prison suddenly showed up at our door. This was a huge surprise and a huge answer to prayer. We were the only ones taking care of Mams parents and we were praying he would be released early so that he could help take care of them while we were in the States. Well three years into his sentence they let him go. So with him back in the village there was no room for our family to stay. So we had to start looking for a place to rent. We weren’t planning on having to rent a house, but God was in control and after three days of looking, He led us to a small little three bedroom house within walking distance of Mam’s doctor, 5 minutes from the girls school, and surrounded by 5 aunties, 1 grandpa, and 1 grandma who love our girls and Mam. In April we moved from the foundation into our new house, and have been busy unpacking boxes and getting used to life in the city. Mam has been great at making this feel like home, and the girls love talking with grandpa and helping grandma water the flowers. It has been a crazy start to 2010, but God has been very faithful, and we are looking forward to how He is going to work in and through our family over the next year. We were looking forward to our move back to the States, and were saddened we had to push it back, but we are also excited for the chance to continue to minister here Thailand. God has already opened up some unexpected doors to new ministries opportunities and I look forward to sharing those with you next week. God has been so faithful, and for the past seven years we have been able to have all of our financial needs meet through your faithfulness in giving. These next few months will bring many changes, but as a family we are still committed to serving God full time and that will only be possible through the prayers and financial support from you and others. PLEASE, PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER CONTINUING TO SUPPORT THE RUTLEDGE FAMILY AS WE SHARE THE HOPE OF THE GOSPEL WITH THE PEOPLE OF CHIANG RAI. I have discussed the current situation and the new ministry opportunities with our church and the mission board, and they have given us the go ahead to continue on here. So all support can be sent to:

UBC Worldwide Ministries

845 South 9th

Campus Box 8133

Pocatello, ID


We are thankful for your willingness to partner with us these past seven years, and we look forward to continue working together to help minister to the lost of this world through the power and love of Christ. If you have any questions please email me at, We do love hearing from you.

I look forward to sharing more with you next week in Part 2. Until then, I leave you with this prayer found in Ephesians 3:14-21. It is too long to type out, so I encourage you to read it and meditate on the power of Christ as He works in and through us for His glory for all generations to witness.

Thank you for your prayers, and all you have done. We look forward to hearing back from you, and please know you are always in our prayers.

Your Fellow Servants in Him

Dan, Mam, Gracie, Joy, Hope, and Faith(if a girl, no boy names yet)

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