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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.           Colossians 3:15-17

This time of year is truly my favorite. The falling leaves, the changing colors, and the colder weather always excite me. As the warm long summer days turn into shorter cool ones, I find myself getting more and more excited for my two favorite holidays of the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas have always been my two favorites. As a child, Christmas always was number one with the long break from school and the excitement of wrapped presents under the Christmas tree. As I grew, the excitement of Christmas was joined by the gratefulness I experienced for all the blessings in my life. Thanksgiving has now replaced Christmas as my favorite holiday and I truly enjoy this special time of year where we can join with friends and family in expressing our thanks for all that God has blessed us with. I have noticed though that Thanksgiving is now being crowed out by the increasing materialism that starts before Halloween and lasts into the New Year. I believe it is important for us to remember to thank God for all His wonderful gifts He has bestowed upon us, not only during Thanksgiving, but daily throughout the year. In this update I would like to reflect on some of the countless blessings our family has experienced over the past year, and I trust that you too will set aside some time to thank God for all He does for us even though we do not deserve His gifts.
I would first like to thank God for the wonderful family He has blessed me with. My beautiful wife Mam is such a wonderful gift from God and not a day goes by that I am not humbled by her beauty and heart for God. Gracie, Joy, and Hope are so precious and I am so thankful for the gift of such special daughters. Then there is little Kyle, my son and a constant provider of excitement and humor for our family. Our family has been blessed with health and time to spend together as a family. There are days when the noisy kids and a messy house begin to weigh on my patience, but I would never trade those days for a quiet and spotless home. God has blessed me with a wonderful wife and four amazing kids, and for them I am thankful.

The kids enjoying riding in Papa's cool car!
I would like to thank God for the past year and half that He has blessed our family with here in America. America is truly a great country and we as Americans are blessed with so many wonderful things that sometimes we forget how good life truly is here in America. Our family is grateful for the time we have been able to live here and experience some of the wonders of this great country. We knew that financially we would not be able to provide for our living expenses during our time here unless God worked mightily in providing for our needs. Thankfully since April 2011 all of our financial needs have been met and we have been blessed with opportunities to enjoy some of the fun activities America has to offer. Our family has enjoyed the time spent here in America and we would like to stay longer, but we are also excited for the chance to return to Thailand in April 2013 and continue our missionary work there. We are thankful for these two years spent in America and also for everyone who we have been able to fellowship with during our time here.
            I am extremely thankful for the chance to further my education and also enhance my ability to minister to the Thai people when our family returns in April. My classes have been very informational and also very challenging, but I am thankful for the truths I am learning and the time I have to study for my classes. I just completed my first 12 credits in the pursuit of a Masters in Biblical Counseling and I am looking forward to the remaining 28 credits I will be taking over the next two years. During the past few months there have been many long nights and early mornings, but by God’s grace I was able to finish all my reading, papers, and tests and still have time to minister to my family, my church, and the international students at Idaho State University. For the next four months I am only taking one 2 credit class and so that means I am going to have more time to spend with my family and in ministry before we move back to Thailand. In March I will register for my next 9 credits and will continue my studies from Thailand.
Some international students our family took to Scout see the sights of fall.
I am so thankful for the chance our family has had to minister during our time here in the States. When we moved back to America we had three ways we wanted to spend our time during our stay. We wanted to spend time with family, we wanted to spend time studying and equipping ourselves for future ministry, and we wanted to spend our time serving our church and ministering to others in Pocatello. By God’s grace we have been able to spend time growing as a family and reuniting with my parents and siblings. We have also been blessed to be able to equip ourselves for ministry through my studies and other ministry opportunities at our church. Our family has been blessed with the opportunity to minister not only the international students  at ISU, but also serve others in the church through leading Bible studies and helping out in Awana’s and serving in the nursery. God has blessed us with countless ministry opportunities and we are so thankful for all we have been able to do during the short time we have been here in the States. By far one of the main highlights has been the ministry opportunities we have had with international students. We have been blessed to be able to serve them by providing transportation for grocery shopping, assisting them in their English learning, helping them get settled to life in America, and even providing them a place to come and enjoy some warm rice and spicy food similar to what they miss from back home. Currently we have around 15 international students that we are weekly involved with in ministering to them. This has been an amazing opportunity to serve with our church, and I am thankful that God has blessed our family with a chance to minister internationally even while we are here in the States.
Some good friends and supporters our kids love to visit in Boise.
Our family has been so blessed and is thankful for so many things, but one thing we constantly are thanking God for is the wonderful friends and supporters who have prayed for us and given financially to help us continue in full-time ministry. We are so humbled that God has given us an opportunity to serve Him full-time, but also that others would give of their finances to help provide for all our living expenses. If you have given to help support our family, please know that we are eternally thankful for all of your prayers and financial gifts. Your faithfulness in praying and giving has enabled us to spend the past year and half serving God full-time here in Pocatello, Idaho. We are also thankful for your support which has helped me pursue my masters in Biblical Counseling and help our family become better equipped to minister to the families in Thailand once we return there in the spring of 2013.  We have been blessed by the willingness to give by our supporters and are thankful for the chance to partner with you as we seek to serve God together through His redeeming love.    
            There are so many things we are thankful for and it is important that we do take time to thank God for His countless blessings, but we must remember that our offerings of thanks can only be possible through Christ. Christ is the gift that enables us to find peace with God and freely receive the hope He brings. As we start this holiday season, let us not forget to offer thanks for the perfect gift which God gave the world over 2000 years ago in that lowly manger in Bethlehem.  Jesus Christ is God’s gift to the world and only through His willing sacrifice on the Cross and the shedding of His blood can we freely receive His gift of forgiveness which He is offering to all mankind.  Let us remember to give thanks for Christ and the countless blessings we experience through Him not only during this special time of year, but in whatever we do in word or deed seeking to bring glory to His name.
            Thank you again for taking the time to read this update and I pray that you and your loved ones enjoy a wonderful holiday season. I know our family is looking forward to spending our last Thanksgiving and Christmas in America for a while and we are praying that the holidays bring lots of snow and times of fellowship with family and friends. Thank you again for all of your prayers and financial gifts which you have blessed us with during our time in ministry. Our family would not be able to serve without the faithful support of so many wonderful supporters. We ask that as the end of the year is approaching for you to consider giving a special one-time gift to help provide for our family. We are preparing to return to Thailand on April 3rd, 2013 and are in need of raising some extra money to pay for our airline tickets and other moving expenses. By faith we purchased our airline tickets last week and now we trust that the $3458 needed to cover those tickets will come in before we have to fly back. If you would like to give a special onetime gift to help cover our airfare or moving costs then please email me at . If you would like to hear more about joining our support team on monthly bases or about the ministry we will be serving in once we return to Thailand, then please also email us at the above address or call me at (208) 242-6300.  We would love to hear from you. If you would like to give financially then please make your checks out to UBC Worldwide Ministries and mail them to:
4700 N. Philbin Rd.
Chubbuck, ID. 83202.
All gifts are tax deductible and help to enable our family to continue to serve in full-time ministry.
May you and your loved ones enjoy a festive holiday season, and do remember that truth of James 1:17 which says, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” God is so merciful towards us and we must not forget giving Him the thanks He deserves. We look forward to updating you on some exciting changes coming our family’s way in the next few weeks and we will continue to remember you in our prayers daily, thanking God for your faithfulness in giving to help provide for our family’s needs. Have a happy Thanksgiving and a blessed holiday season.

Your fellow servants in Christ:
Dan, Mam, Gracie, Joy, Hope, and Kyle Rutledge
Titus 2:11-15


john said...

Thanks for the update Dan. I appreciate your perspective! God bless. Joel

The Rutledge Family said...

Hope everyone enjoys reading about all God has done to bless our family over the past year.

The Rutledge Family said...
