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Monday, June 23, 2014

Striving According To His Power Colossians 1:28-29

Happy Mid-year from the Rutledge Family, we are eternally grateful for all your prayers and financial support which makes it possible for us to live and minister full time here in Chiang Rai, Thailand. During the past 7 months since our last newsletter, God has been so good and our family would like to share with you 7 of the highlights of what God has been doing through the work of Hearts Redeemed Ministry. We know that nothing which has been accomplished could have happened apart from God and so we want to give all praise to Him, Who has strengthened us through His Spirit and enabled us to continue striving according to His power as we proclaim His gospel for His glory.
The first highlight we would like to share with you is the wonderful opportunity of being able to partner with a local Thai church in ministering to university students and young singles. Our goal with Heart Redeemed Ministries was to work with families within the local church to help strengthen their walk with Christ and also their witness for Him. The benefit of working with college students before they get married is to help lay a biblical foundation upon which they can build their future marriage upon. During the past year, we have been able to provide biblical teaching and discipleship through; Sunday morning preaching, Adult Sunday School Classes, Evening Life Group Bible Studies for men and for women, One on one discipleship and counseling, and even a couples class we held after Sunday morning service. Thankfully we have already begun to see some fruit from our time with the college singles, and we give all praise to God for the way He has been working in their hearts through His Word. There were two weddings over the past 7 months which Mam and I were blessed to be able to help provide pre-marital counseling for both the couples.
The second highlight deals with our children and the why that they are adjusting to a new culture through the help of God’s grace. It was slow at first, but once everyone got started their Thai language took off and now they are all fluent in Thai. Even little Kyle who started school in May, is speaking Thai. This is a huge answer to prayer, because I was not sure how they would adjust, but God has been gracious and we are thankful for their willingness to serve with us here in Thailand. They miss the States and are looking forward to coming back and visit soon, maybe when I graduate next spring.
The third highlight has to be the fruits which we are already seeing God produce through my studies and practice of biblical counseling. I have been humbled to see how the truths of God’s Word is able to change lives stuck in serious struggles and sins. Over the past 7 months I have been able to offer biblical counsel to Thai college students, Thai couples getting ready for marriage, Thai families struggling with choices, a married couple from Brazil, other missionaries from the States, and even members from Mam’s family. I am still working on my studies and am in my last session of classes, but I am amazed at how the skills I have been able to learn, God is using to minister to others.
The fourth highlight comes in the completion of one year back in Thailand. We arrived in Thailand in April 2013, with lots’ of dreams but even more questions. God as always was faithful and provided everything we needed for our families relocation back to Thailand. We are grateful for the house we are renting and the wonderful Thai neighbors who we have become good friends with. We are also grateful for my truck, which even though took some repairs over the past year, has continued to run faithfully and has been a great tool not only for transporting our family but also serving others in the body of Christ. I use it to pick up college students for church on Sunday, we have used it for outreaches in villages, and lot’s of other outings. God is gracious and we are grateful for a house to sleep in, a truck to drive, food to eat, and a chance to live and serve in Thailand full-time. We have been here one year, and we are trusting God to enable us to remain serving Him here in Thailand for many more years to come.
The fifth highlight is how God has been gracious with our schooling. I say our schooling because I am busy studying for my Masters in Biblical Counseling and all of our kids are now attending school. Gracie is in 4th grade, Joy is in 2nd, Hope is in 1st, and Kyle is in the first year of kindergarten. They start school here at age three and have three years of kindergarten before 1st grade. Oh and they go all day long, with a nap after lunch of course. So everyone is in school except for Mam, and she is enjoying her days free from kids and sticky fingers. She does miss them though and is always excited to pick them up from school and help them with their homework. God has been good, and we are grateful for the chance to grow in knowledge, I am especially grateful that my classes are coming to a close soon. I am taking my last four classes right now, and then after I write my thesis, I will be able to graduate. It has been lot’s of hard work but am so glad that I took the program I did and am excited to see how God is going work through what I have learned for His glory.
The sixth highlight has to be our health. God is so gracious and even though we live in a third world country, we have rarely had any major sicknesses. We are so thankful for God’s hand of protection over our family this past year and we trust that He will continue to provide protection and patience to help us deal with any health issues He brings our way in the future.
The seventh highlight is all of you who take the time to read our newsletters, pray for our family, give of your finances, and encourage us through your emails. We know that our family would not be able to live and minister here full time if not for the work of God in our lives through the faithful prayers and support from people like you. Our family would once again like to say thank you for all you have done to bless us throughout our years on the mission field. We remember you often in our prayers and thank God for the way He works through you to encourage and provide for our family.
Thank you for your willingness to partner the Rutledge Family and Hearts Redeemed Ministries as we continue striving through His power to connect the hearts of the Thai people with the redeeming truths of God’s Word.
Happy Mid-Year and God bless from:
Dan, Mam, Gracie, Joy, Hope, and Kyle Rutledge

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